Such yummy food.
Wye Sue, Yvonne and I were joined by Ann from Scotland - Yvonne spotted Ann joinign the queue a few folk behind us.
It was a great evening as Yvonne had gone down with a nasty cold and was feeling rotten - but thankfully Betty's helped her to feel much better.

Went back to my B&B after dinner - which thankfully was warmer - but very noisy as someone in the flat upstairs was running up and down til after 11pm!!
But I retired to bed with the Shetland Hap Shawl book - THE LAST COPY that Jamiesons had on their stall - I succumbed to that late on Friday - thought they only had a sample copy and went for a look - but they had one left. It is fascinating reading about the history as well as method of knitting. I went to sleep buzzing as I felt I'd found a shawl I could cope with as a beginner.
I know many think I'm capable of it - but I am nervous to take on something like that as I find it very tough remembering pattern repeats in my head - and I do so hate pulling things out when they've gone wrong.

Choosing yarn for my first shawl - a shetland hap. Elaine came along and helped with the very tough decision on colour. I tried many combinations of the pretty ultra colours they have (a blend of lambswool and shetland wool - that is lovely to knit with). We hit upon the cream natural colour with three shades of fawn for the edge. I would never normally use such colours but they do look so lovely together.
Then I went back to our stand and cast on the one stitch. I could not however grasp the wrap to increase at the beginning of each row. John to the rescue. He showed me with a flick of the wrist how it was done. As you can see in the picrure I've made a little progress.
We taught more finger knitting and even persuded a few people to have a go at knitting Sue's finger knitted ball of yarn with the huge needles lent to us by Wool n boat.

The Jamieson's Groupies with their acquisitions.
I hope that with my yarn for shawl purchase and the book i will be allowed to join the Jamieson's Groupies.
One small concern I have is that from what I saw of my two friends and their experience - their example shows that it takes an awful lot of time and dedication - I lost count of the number of times they were ' just nipping up to the Jamiesons stand... during Sunday. But the end results looked worth all that effort.
Helped pack up Sunday afternoon and then train to London. Finally arrived home at 22:30 and fell into my own bed. AAAhhhh!!!!
Please can I do it again next year?
Consider yourself booked!
Didn't we have fun both at Betty's and the show. I really must dig out my Gran's recipes for Fat Rascals
It is a fun show, and I forgive you for the photos, we could all try and stay in the same place next year - could be even more fun...
Bet your crocs were purple ;-)
I howled with laughter (tears ran down my face) at the pic of Yvonne and Wye Sue with the cakes, and the one with the Large Jamiesons Bags! Your shawl will be lovely - keep at it...
No - too obvious! My crocs are silver with pink butterflies:)
THANK YOU:) That was precisely the reaction I expected - from those in the 'know'.
I can only say I'm proud to be part of that gang.
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